Saturday, December 1, 2012

Leah turns SEVEN!

Our Goddaughter Leah turned seven on Thursday! Smart and practical Shawne arranged to deliver her in November so that she could choose which year to send her to school!Leah is in first grade and doing fabulously. Boy can she read! And the books that she writes,illustrates,scotch tapes or staples together and gives away are gripping! We are so happy to be a part of her life, and a part of her birthday dinner-tacos and watermelon were her choices!! All the gifts that she asks for her special occasions are "as seen on TV"! We were able to provide the cake pop maker and we hope that that will earn us a tasty treat soon!
Big sister Alex is ready to take photos as Mom lights the candles

How cute is she?!

Don't you love the seven year old cheesy smile?!

Leah and her Dad

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