Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Twas the week before Christmas-with a puppy!

Twas the week before Christmas
and all through the house
Danny's small creature was stirring
with a vigor no walk could douse.
the dish towels were hung on the cabinet with care
til Harry yanked them down and carried them off to his lair.
Danny was nestled all snug in his bed
while visions of ? starwars,cakepops,vacation days? danced in his head.
And Jerry and I in the cozies we like best
had just settled our brains for a long TV fest
when out in the kitchen there arose such a clatter
we sprang from our seats to see what was the matter.
away to the doorway I dragged like a slug
splash! was that piddle on the edge of the rug?
the lights from the ceiling shown down with a glare
on the dog squeakies,balls,lovies and mats that were there.
and on a  small brown puppy so lively, quick and hairy
I knew in a moment it must be THAT HARRY!
More rapid than eagles he zoomed round the room
and all I could feel at that moment was doom.
"It's 11pm, it's time for you to sleep"
he looked and he smiled, but still he didn't keep
to the top of the sun porch, now back to the hall
now dash away,dash away,dash away with the ball!
and then in a twinkling I heard and I saw
the prancing and patting of each little paw
as I entered the kitchen and was turning around
out from the laundry room Harry came with a bound
He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot
and his back was all covered in leaves,lint and schmoot.
a mitten on his back and a shoe in his mouth
and he looked like a pro football wide-out
his eyes how they twinkled! his tail how it wagged,
his whiskers were bouncing,his puppy belly sagged
and his droll little mouth was drawn up round his prize
not slowing him down though it was twice his size!
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly young elf,
and I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself.
he spoke not a word but went straight to his work
biting and gnawing til I gave his rope a jerk.
and dropping the shoe as I held out some kibble,
(it was none worse the wear as I wiped off pup dribble)
Harry sprang to his feet, and with a loud bark,
away he ran to the fireplace hearth.
he sprawled out and crashed,soon his dreams had him twitchen
while Jerry and I surveyed the trashed kitchen.
and, with a promise to be up several times before light,
Harry the pup FINALLY said Good Night!

Good Night Prince Harry!

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