Monday, October 29, 2012

Hey Mice, stay out of my basement!

Dear Mice,
I realize that it is cold in Michigan and you enjoy a nice warm basement. I am sure that my Snow Princess Halloween costume, with its soft white velour and fake fur muff, made an ideal bed last winter. I did notice that you enjoyed chewing holes in the skirt, did this add to the comfort?  It also came to my attention that among Jake's collection of hackeysacks you found several that were filled with seeds...How Convenient!
I feel it only fair to warn you that your snug and cozy home life is coming to an end! You are being evicted and there is no appeal. Try migrating south or heading to a nice barn with hay. Suburbia is not the place for you and your friends. Be advised that any black rectangles on the floor may be sticky and random pieces of hot dog you see laying around may be a bit "snappy".
So Move out and best of luck in all your future endeavors,
The annoyed homeowner

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