Sunday, October 28, 2012

Life is Boring

Gosh, without Cassandra life is pretty boring...and lonely!
This week was the usual collection of;
 sports practices, concerts, Friday night basketball, walks with Shawne, shopping at Kohls with my 30%, sleepover with Leah  at our house, cooking, laundry, cleaning, dinner for Jerry's friend and co-worker Toni in from Atlanta,tuba lesson, watching the Tigers lose baseball games, and many more equally thrilling pursuits, so thrilling in fact that I can't recall them! But through it all, no Cassie. No reason to tiptoe into my room at night, no one to talk to on my walk to school to get Danny and certainly no one to sing the "school bus" song with! I keep pointing at my ear when I hear a plane and saying aloud, "what's that?" The man outside Meijer looked at me very strangely! An email from Jake reports that Cassandra is adjusting well to him and he is having a ball getting to know her. And that is as it should be! Still......

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