Sunday, October 28, 2012

Friday/Saturday 10/19-20 State Soccer Tournament

The girls headed off to the state soccer tournament in Warren right after school on Friday. I had planned to go to the 4pm contest, but it is rainy and cold, and Cassie has a stuffy nose, so I am opting to stay home. Word comes in that the team won their first game in a shootout and the girls were pumped! It is strange not to be there, usually I am chaperoning. Hank rolls in from the farm with a truck load of pumpkins and tomatoes,potatoes and onions. We are donating the pumpkins for the teen carving event again this year as well as supplying friends and neighbors so he brings about 50! Jerry and Danny go to the first night of Friday night basketball and Cassie and I play with her zoo, which she is totally in love with. She loves to put the Lion up in the tree! And of course she sneaks off to practice her work of stair climbing at every opportunity! Hank enjoys a quiet evening in the basement watching sports and I do some baking, prepping to take food treats up to Fort Drum on Monday.
You know food=love for me :)

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