Monday, July 16, 2012

Banneux Belgium Pilgrimage

We had the pleasure of going on a pilgrimage to Banneux Belgium on Saturday. We went to the Shrine of Our Lady. In 1933 the Blessed Mother appeared 8 times over the course of three months to an 11 year old girl named Marietta. Mary encouraged the girl to pray always and to be good. She asked that a chapel be built on the site. She also instructed Marietta to plunge her hands into a spring that was on the road. She said  it would help to heal the sick. Since then many people come to Banneux to pray and to heal. We decided to take the kids and go for a visit. The weather was just awful, pouring all day long and in the 50's. This does not make for a pleasant drive or a nice stroll around the grounds and picnic I had envisioned. Along the way we stopped in a town that borders Holland and Belgium and took some fun photos. My sister had sent me a photo from a cafe that used to be right on the line. Sadly it closed down, so no coffee, only the rain! At the Shrine,  we had yet another picnic in the car! We visited many of the chapels, put our hands in the spring, lit candles for Mom, Aunt Reg and others, and bought Danny a rosary for his collection. It was a nice and moving day. I have again renewed my WWMD? actions, before losing it with the kids  think, "What Would Mary Do" to sweet Jesus her child? Then I try to emulate that!

Saint Michaels Chapel

Mary appearing to Marietta

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Windmills at Kinderdijk Friday 13 Juli

The Netherlands is famous for its windmills. Today there are still more than 1.000 mills. Nowhere in the world  will you find as many windmills as near the Dutch village of  Kinderdijk. Around 1740 no less than 19 sturdy mills were built here. They have been well preserved to the present day.
The mills drain the excess water from the Alblasserwaard polders - which are situated below sea-level - after which the water is sluiced into the river Lek (the Rijn).
The powerful mill sails serve to transmit the force of the wind on to large paddle-wheels which scoop up the water. Nowadays power-driven pumping engines do the job, including one of the largest water screw pumping-stations in Western Europe.

The Foundation "Wereld Erfgoed Kinderdijk" maintains and preserves the windmills in Kinderdijk. The preservation is not limited to the windmills themselves, but also covers the area in which the windmills are situated.
Can you believe the clothes for July?! We are SO sick of our jeans!

Jerry and the kids

and now, Kerry and the kids!

Wow, right?!

Hi kids!

technical details

Charlotte does a Jake pose

Molly was mad that I made her climb on this table, she was not comfortable, but what a photo! Aren't I mean?!

There were only about 6 of these...    :)

love this smile

This wipmolen style windmill is Danny's favourite, it is a later version of the stander or post-mill
 which is the oldest type in the Netherlands, reports Danny!

The sun came out and I went crazy I guess!

There is the requisite cheesy tourist shop and the 5 euro parking charge, but the site is amazing. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997 so that it will be around forever. The rain let up as we began our walk down the canal. Danny and Jerry paid and toured the open windmill, but those stairs are no good for the girls, and I went in my windmill already, so we walked a bit. The guys joined us and we ended up on a 5 mile round trip walk just turning our heads at the sights. We stopped at all the signs and Danny read us the many facts about the length of the sails and how many metres of water they pump where, etc,etc,etcetera!!He loves that stuff and I love that he loves it! This was a must see on Trip Advisor, my go to for travel info, so I am glad we fit it in!

Running Club Thursday 12 Juli

We are winding down, the last Thursday practice with Coach Fred, and next Tuesday the last with Dolph. This is going to be a big miss, and we will be looking to replicate it in Brighton. What a difference this has made for the girls, friendship and fitness, what could be better?! On Tuesday we will bring "cakes" to practice. This is what the Dutch do when they have any occasion, they share cakes! Isn't that nice?! Anyway, photos from Thursday and I will share next weeks cake fest too!
after 30 min of stretching and warm up games, the running begins

this segment was 8 300's


Coach Fred, Molly,Lara, Charlotte and Jerry

don't the girls look great?!

new guy Chris in the rear(works for Pfiser)

Go Charlotte!

stretching out at the end, after 2 plus hours

Danny is wearing rollerblades, he and I did a long course around the lake while the group did the sprints!

The Thursday night group, size varies, friendliness does not!

Coach Fred always took the time to teach the girls the right way to do the moves, but understood if they couldn't get it and just encouraged...Great attitude for people who have ID in this country.

Guest Post..Charlotte's Zoo pictures!

I love it when Charlotte takes pictures. It is neat to see what goes on in her mind, a glimpse maybe through her photographs...Here is her day at the Blijdorp Zoo last week... ENJOY!