Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Rainy day in London Town Thursday 6/21

Jerry was picked up by a car service and went off to be a business man. I contemplated driving out to Hampton Court Palace, but the weather was very drizzly. I know Danny would have loved the maze anyway, but me? not so much! We walked back to Kensington Palace and visited the Victoria and Albert exhibit on the second flottr of the palace. These two Royals were genuinely in love and had 9 healthy children together. They played duets on the piano and wrote each other love notes. It was really neat to see them, Their nursery had toys from the day for the kids to try out, and the red salon had the jackets her advisors had on when she went in to meet with them, a shy 18 year old girl who had never had her own room, who was now the Queen of England! Can you imagine?! She is actually still the longest ruling monarch, Queen Elizabeth is set to pass her in the record books in about 4 months. Albert built an Italian style garden for her which we also toured thorough. It was recently restored by The Tiffany Foundation(as in Tiffany Jewlery stores) and was quite lovely in spite of the rain. Danny enjoyed taking nature photos during our walk. After leaving the palace we went to the Princess Diana Memorial Playground, a gem tucked off to the side of the gardens. Danny enjoyed getting hi boy on, climbing and skipping around the whole place. Charlotte liked posing in front of the private back gate that the royals who live at Kensington use, and we know who that is...Princess Kate!!We strolled around the neighborhood, visited a gorgeous old church with a really old graveyard in front of it and popped into a couple of shops. I saw one called TK Maxx and thought...can it be? Yes! It was discount! And we scored a cool olympic tshirt for our olympian Molly. We met Jer back at the hotel at 2:30 and headed out of London towards the Chunnel. It is a long, rainy slog, but again, with our girls it is much easier for them to be sitting in the car relaxing than trying to pile on/off trains,planes and boats. We cruised up to English border control, got through, then drive 200 yards to French border control, get through and we are off. Uneventful rainy ride through France and Belgium and on into the Netherlands where of course, it's raining! We are happy to arrive back at Gaaghof 16 at 10pm safe and sound. This London trip was perfect! We all had a great time :)
our cool hotel room

bunks, a double and a single, perfect!

our hotel, I recommend it

my fantasy British Cottage, right in Kensington Garden

Victoria's Garden

a job for Charlotte?!

The weather gave us a private visit to the palace

The Red Salon

A painting of Victoria and her advisors

and here we are!

The dress Victoria wore the morning she became Queen

Victoria as a baby

Queen Victoria and some of her children, I love this painting, one of the original working mothers I'd say!

Molly liked the photos of the Queen

Danny happily hitting the playground

Peter Pan,s Pirate Ship

Danny heading up to the crows nest

Ahoy, Matey!

The teepees are cool!

Saint Mary of the Abbot

the interior had memorials all around, on the walls and the floor

the graveyard in front

the private gate, leading to Kate's house(we didn't see her)

Charlotte starts Friday morning with a mocha in her souvenir cup! It doesn't get much better than this!

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