Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wearing Blue in Support of Autism!

We are wearing blue for Autism Awareness Day!

our Easter cross
Blue it is, we support Charlotte and all our other friends with Autism!

Great Day! We put on our blue to show support for Autism. Apparently that is the color that has been assigned to Autism, but we look good in it, so that works out well. Blue or not, we try to support Charlotte. Danny was watching Brain Pop yesterday and it was about Autism. We watched it together and I asked him to think about the things they discussed and how they applied to Charlotte. It was interesting to hear what he thought, and I think it helped him to understand some of her quirks. 
We headed down to Pijnacker to shop for goodies to decorate our Easter Cross. We have learned that the Dutch have a neat custom. The children get plain wooden crosses and during Holy Week they decorate them and give them away to friends or neighbors as a sign that they are loved, both by the cross-maker and by the Lord Jesus. Danny was given one of these crosses when we went to mass at the Dutch speaking catholic church a few weeks ago, but we didn't know why they gave it to him. We worked on colouring things and gathering bits and pieces and we made the cross today. I think it looks awesome! Do you like it? Jerry will deliver it tomrw to his office-mate Monique. She invited the girls to go to a practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays with her friends who are on a track team. Charlotte has enjoyed it tremendously, Jerry feels like his legs are going to fall off. I reminded him of Molly's freshman year when he ran every day with the BHS girls cross country team so the coach would let Molly to be on the team. When it comes to his girls, he is always willing to go the extra mile(pun intended!)

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