Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Baskets and Modern Art

in our family the Easter Bunny leaves clues to solve to find your basket
Charlotte's was in the laundry room
Molly consults on a clue
she is on the trail, with Danny assisting!
Found! in the sport closet!
Danny whipped through his clues...
and ended up in the closet!
traditional Easter breakfast of chocolate!
Nice haul
"Now everyone will know I'm a Yankee Fan",  honey, there was never a doubt about that!
Can I eat it now?
Gemeente Museum, Den Haag
Molly gets her culture on
I like it!
an architechtural interactive display
you could email it to yourself when you were done, or press a plunger and demolish it!
Piet Modrian
The Gemeente has the largest collection of Modrians in the world
life as art, right down to your furniture
got all that?
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