Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Friday 21 April Sightseeing and train travel

If it's Belgium, there must be waffles!

one more visit!

there was a Disney store on this fancy shopping street

we found this tiny convent from 1477 tucked in on this street

we lit a candle and said a couple of Hail,Mary's...beautiful

The outside of the convent
We enjoyed another day in Antwerp, the highlight of which was a tour through Peter Paul Rubens house. He lived there from 1815 til his death in 1840, and had a studio attached where he painted. No photos were allowed in the house but we took a few in the beautiful gardens. We also saw a city palace that was owned at one point in its history by Napoleon and now houses a chocolate shop. The chocolate is made in Napoleon's kitchen, and they had a bust of Napoleon made of chocolate! I found a second hand shop and a cool sports store so all the "fabulous Belgium Shopping" came true for me!( though I have a feeling they meant all the designer stores we passed...!)  The girls and I took a 6pm train out of that gorgeous central station to Rotterdam, followed by a commuter train into Pijnacker and were home by 8:15. We left the boys in Antwerp to have beer and play chess. Their plan is to continue tomorrow into Luxembourg and France. They will be following in the footsteps of Jerry's father, John Hincka, who fought bravely in World War II for Gen. George Patton in the third army. He was awarded a Bronze Medal for bravery under fire.

cool sculpture

a city building flying flags of all nations

giant cruise ship on the Quay

Napoleon's kitchen, tile is original

Peter Paul Rubens house gardens
Napoloen doesn't want to stay with his group!

outside of Rubens studio

his garden

view of house from rear of garden

on the boulevard, with dome of central station in background

Charlotte spotted a rainbow from the train heading home

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