Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mama's takin us to the zoo tomorrow,zoo tomorrow,zoo tomorrow..

When I looked at the hour by hour forecast for Pijnacker and environs this morning, I didn't know what to do...rain was shown for each time block, getting heavier as the day wore on...Well, what can you do but grab coats, hats, lunch and the cameras, say a little prayer and head out.
Well GOD is good(all the time!) as we say in our family, and the day at the zoo was a rousing success. The wind was ever present and the skies gray, but it didn't rain until we got home at 5:45pm. Excellent! And on the bright side, the place was empty and we had great views of every animal. Since our last trip 2 lion cubs have been born. Charlotte and Gary and I watched a video this morning on the zoo website and that was Gary's main wish today. We got to see them in action, playing with each other and Mom. My favourite was the gorillas/ They were so active the kids had to drag me out of there to keep going, I could have watched their antics all day! We saw the Sea Lions being fed at 3:45 and they put on a great show of barking and diving which is always fun to watch.  The giraffes were staying inside(climate here today as far from the savannah as you could get!) but we could see them eating. And the polar bear cub and his Mom were great. When we arrived at their enclosure the Mom was nursing the baby, and then he got up and rolled around in the mud and carried on, he really reminded us of a human toddler. So I sure am glad that I ignored the weather forecast. And I hope it is as wrong about tomorrow!
baby lion cubs and Mom

Mama nursing her baby

"Hello, did you bring any snacks?"

"Are you talkin to me??"

Gary and Charlotte loved the monkeys!

Danny compares his wing span to that of the apes


we all enjoyed the face/hand painting
sea turtle, spider, sea turtle and snake

snack time!

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