Wednesday, March 28, 2012

More score at the thrift store!

Wednesday 3-28-12
our Netherlands creation-stroopwafel bits on pudding!

eaten al fresco on our poor folks patio set!

Oh the joys of Terre de Homme! The gals recognized us and greeted us warmly. First job, find something for Charlotte to buy. She ends up choosing vol. 4 and 5 of a Dog Encyclopedia which is in Dutch! Loads of photos, big and heavy, and only 1euro for both volumes! On to games area, where we snag a puzzle for Molly, a matching game for Cassandra, a TinTin puzzle and two cool packs of cards for Danny.
I check the clothing side, but it is tiny, and a pushy mob scene, so I quickly abandon that thought! Then I notice roller blades---and find a pair that looks like it might work. Danny tries them on and I send him to the sidewalk to try them out. He pronounces them excellent and wears them home. We also pick up a stuffed critter and change purse for Charlotte(everything under 5euro is a coin, and her Yankee wallet is just for bills) , 5 paperbacks in English for me and an original tetris game from the early '90's for Danny and Jerry. Total for all of that? 13euro!

I am SOO happy watching Danny skate along the bike paths, a look of pure happiness on his face!

We breeze through the market for produce and stroopwaffel cones and head home. We eat lunch and play soccer and do a bit of homework on the deck. And of course have our "afternoon tea". The way back yard  is set up it feels like another room in the house, not like a yard, you can go out with no shoes and just sit in the sun. Heaven!

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