Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I hope the dikes are strong!

Wow, did it rain here today! Jerry worked from home because he needed to go to the Hague to pick up a navigation thing for his car. It was nice to have him around! He and the kids got a run in before the downpour started but it then it rained all day. And the wind! It shook the fence around the back yard and turned umbrellas inside out as parents walked their
kids to the school up the street from our house. Given that something like 90% of this country is below sea level you do wonder about the dikes!

We read, played cards and watched The Brady Bunch (season 2, “Marsha,Marsha.Marsha!!”) to entertain ourselves. The internet is slow we can’t hook up to Danny’s school program, so I’m not sure where we’ll go with that. We all piled in the car and rode with Jerry on his errand. I was hoping the rain would stop and we could walk around and explore but no such luck. We did stop at the sports club in Pijnacker on the way back home to check on Taekwando. They do not teach it there, but they do offer other martial arts, and the man invited Danny to come to a class. We flew home and gave him a hotdog and sent him back out. Danny was very reluctant to go because he had never tried upchucks before but we really encouraged him(read pretty much forced) and he ended up having a great time. Tomorrow night he will go to the Judo class and then we’ll see what’s what. A great lesson about braving fears and going for it. I’m proud of him!

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