Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Markt Day in Pijnacker

That is the correct spelling by the way :)
We took our morning walk down to Pijnacker Centre today and were surprised with a markt day. Turns out every Wednesday the square has booths set up selling everything from whole herring with the eyeballs, pistaschio nuts, miracle bras, and fruit and veggies to the ubiquitous Stroopwafel! Awesome. We purchased bananas, grapes and orange peppers, and fresh bread(natch!).
But the best find of all was the paper cone of broken stroopwafel bits (for those of you just joining me, a stroopwafel is a waffle cookie with syrup in the middle-so good!), 3 cones for E1.50--3 kids=3 could I say No?
The kids crunched and munched their way home and even had enough left over to dump on yoghurt in the afternoon for a snack.
We have signed Danny up at the Pijnacker Sprotinstitute and he will be doing 2 judos and one numchucka class per week. He is very happy, and frankly the poor kid needs to get out of the house and away from the girls, and me, for a bit. So Hooray!

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