Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Law Enforcement Torch Run

Last week law enforcement men and women from all over the state took part in the Torch Run for Special Olympics. The torch started out in the UP and crossed the Mackinac Bridge. Molly had been invited to run the bridge but it was too rainy and windy. Once in the lower peninsula, the torch split off into 7 different runs through many of the communities throughout the state. Michigan's LETR has raised over 1Million dollars for SO, that is more than some Countries have raised! Since Molly had been blown off the bridge we wanted to try to support the torch and the runners as they came through our area. Then we got a call that the MI State Police recruits from the Lansing barracks would be running with the torch at midnight, and might we like to join them?! Heck yeah we'd like to join! So the kids went to sleep for about 90 minutes and I got to go around and wake them, in the darkness and say "let's go for a run!!" That was fun! When we arrived in Lansing the Capitol building was lit, sparkling through the light rain. We gathered at the foot of the Capitol steps while the hundred or so recruits marched in in formation then stood stock still awaiting the torches arrival. Officer Steve introduced Molly and Charlotte to the crowd and told them how pleased he was to have athletes running. I was very proud. Finally the torch arrived and after a moment of silence the torch was passed from hand to hand, each recruit having a chance to hold it. At last it was molly and charlottes turn, they head out at good speed, with the entire unit of police thundering off the Capitol steps and racing after them! We headed straight away eastward from the Capitol and continue through the MSU campus. Motorcycle officers blocking each side street as we ran. After 5 miles of brisk running we arrived at a peaking lot where the LETR RV was waiting. The recruits dropped and did 27 push-ups! It was such a great thing to be a part of!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekend with Cassie!

A beautiful fall weekend was made even more so by a visit from Cassie. She is such a joy to have in the house! Thursday nights are always tough as she readjusts to a normal bedtime, and this week was no exception. She was up 4 times and then got up around 6:45am--yikes! Good thing she is so cute! 
We played and  had a visit from Shawne Friday morning ("where's Leah?") then went for a haircut in the afternoon.
Cass was excited to sing the school bus song when the girls finally arrived home, and thrilled to have her playmates back. Leah ended up coming over to have pizza with us and run through Cassie's sprinkler. Cassie had been scared of it, but since she will follow Leah anywhere, through the sprinkler she went!
Jake handled bath and bedtime, I try to disappear when he is home so Cassie can focus on daddy. On Saturday morning played at the house, then Jerry drove Danny and Cassie out to meet jake at work. From there the three of them headed to kensington for an afternoon of fun at the farm center and nature center. They even took a hayride! I would show you pictures, but jake hasn't sent me any, he says they are on the way...sure! Cassie and I made a leaf picture, she is obsessed with glue in any form so she had a blast!
Saturday night I got to do bedtime and we had an extra long story time filled with all her favourites--The Stray Dog, Dr.Doctor, peek-a-boo baby and Sleep,Big Bear,Sleep! Jerry and all the kids went downtown to the jazz fest for some socializing and BBQ and then came back to watch the michigan game(let's not talk about it!). 
On Sunday morning Charlotte and I went to 8am boxing and then came back home and tagged molly and Jerry to go to the 10am class. Molly stayed on to do 3 classes, while Danny,Charlotte, Jerry ,Cassie and I rode our bikes downtown to the millpond playground. Fun! It was cool and sunny and wonderful to ride together. Cassie rode on her birthday scooter with her awesome new helmet. We played in the sandbox at our house until it was time to head for church. Jerry stayed home and got cass ready to go back to her other grandmothers house. Blessed to have time with her, and the joy of watching the kids with her, they are all wonderful at the job of aunts and uncle!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Back to school

Gorgeous weather and happy smiles for the first day of school 2014. Danny headed out first, wearing his WEB leader shirt. His job this week is to smooth the way for the little 7th graders, help them find their way to classes and answer questions. He said he was able to help a couple of kids, and he will be wearing his shirt all week so the confused can find him! Go Danny!
The girls bus arrived at 8:10. Harry and I had been hanging out with the girls when who should come skipping down the driveway but Jerry! He was teasing the girls that he was going to get on the bus with them. Ooo, was Charlotte mad, she did not want to be teased. 
I kept him off the bus and he ended up coming to church with me. We prayed for all the school kids and teachers. I hope my kids have a good year.