Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013 Lindsay Stewart is going to be a Mommy!

That little girl who poked her sweet face into my window 19 years ago, her long hair pulled back in a scrunchy and her wire framed glasses perched on her cute nose, is now a glamorous Mom-to-be, with a masters degree,her own home in Tennessee and a handsome husband too! My how things change. And if that isn't enough, she ran 15 miles/week until her 29th week! Her belly is as high and tight as an Army haircut! The one thing that hasn't changed is her sweet nature and our love for her. It is so much fun to see the kids you knew growing into these phenomenal and happy adults. It makes you feel old, yet it is strangely gratifying all the same.
Karen and her sister Chris threw a beautiful baby shower today for loads of Michigan friends and family members. Karen's patio sparkled with paper lanterns in the purple and green colour scheme and bouquets of fresh flowers. The sun was shining and the heat and rain held off (the first rain shower came 1 hour after the party ended! great timing!) allowing the guest to sit and visit in the terraced space. The food table was laden with six different tasty salads, bread sticks and mini muffins. Karen let me do the muffins, which was really fun! I prepared spinach feta, apple cheddar, pumpkin with orange glaze and blueberry cornmeal. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food, and the special baby cake from the Stewart's favourite bakery. Lindsay and Russ have chosen NOT to find out the sex of the baby (she says it is trending back to having it be a surprise..that's the way I liked it!) so the shower gifts were filled with yellows,grays,greens and whites. Baby showers are so happy and fun and this one was no exception. The girls and Cassie enjoyed visiting with all the guests and the delicious foods.

Charlotte, Lindsay and Molly share a moment 

The gang's all here

Molly loves her new dress!

Catie and Patty

Karen and her sister Chris

The craft area. Karen asked guest to do fingerprint art, give advice for a memory book and add beads to a Labor Necklace..we said a prayer and each added two beads to make a necklace Lindsay will wear during labor (if they don't forget it at home as they freak out and race out the door to the hospital! Oh wait, that was me and the camera!)

Cassie took a little nap during the festivities!

The food table...YUM!

Charlotte enjoyed the gift opening

Beautiful Lindsay and a new friend for her baby

Cute, right?

Cassie loved wearing her party dress

taking a break in the lilies

Michigan Grad's Karen, Lindsay, and Sam via skype, liked the little cap for football Saturdays!

Cassie enjoyed running up and down the hill in the yard

Cass checks out a little metal frog

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