Monday, June 17, 2013

Friday June 14 Family Fun, Summer has begun!

The first week of summer vacation--YAY! We pulled out the bubbles, sidewalk chalk, ice cream, bikes and stroller and started the fun. Cassie spent the weekend with us, and Jake had two days off and half day on Fathers Day. The weather was beautiful and sunny, and so were our dispositions. Cassie's new favourite word is "EAT" and she says it while pointing at her mouth and then at her high chair! She fits in well around here!
Eat Dzadza!

this chalk is awesome!

thanks Daddy, I love you!

Aunt Molly is teaching me how to chalk colour

Cookie got out her bubble cow from her library storytime!


Charlotte and Jerry biked about ten miles together

this flower is cool

look Cookie!

here come the runners

Guess who we found at the park?! Katie Uitti! I hope she can run with Molly soon

super Dad ran about 4 miles after the biking!

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