Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Friday June 21 We High five the celebs at the High 5ive foundation!

Another fabulous Special Olympics opportunity, helping out at the High 5ive Foundation Golf Dinner and Outing. Molly and I were asked to give a little speech at the Thursday night dinner. The setting was lovely, Eagle Eye Golf Club in Lansing, and the food was tasty. Molly ran right up to Drew Stanton, our NFL quarterback host, and gave him several cards and pictures she had made. Both he and his wife Kristin remembered Molly and I, and introduced us to their new baby, 10 month old Asher. What a cutie! Molly and I wandered around the room, approaching everyone that had a big neck and asking them if they played football, and would they sign Mol's program and pose for a photo! It worked great and she met loads of people. We met and chatted with announcer George Blaha She was introduced by the founder of Spartan Nation, with these words, "we have an absolutely beautiful Olympic Gold medal winner here with us, you are going to love her! You are going to want to jump out of your seat and applaud as I introduce you to Molly Hincka! Isn't she something? Look at her smile!" Molly stood, beaming demurely, while I tried not to cry! It was so nice! I then joined Molly on stage and we gave our speech. I think it went great. Along with SOMI, the High 5ive Foundation supports Children's Miracle Network and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The live auction was exciting too, vacations, a handmade kayak and a huge basket with 65 roses in it (65 roses = cystic fibrosis). The player who took the bouquet in the auction (for 650$) presented it to Molly! Boy was that sweet!  Many of the guests complimented Molly on her speech (and me too), and I hope we spread the word on SO even further.
On Friday morning Michelle, PJ and Kristin, GPlane, Sam Suchanek, and Danny,Molly,Charlotte and I headed back to Lansing to meet and greet the golfers as they arrived for their shotgun start. We told everyone about how great the foundation is and how much they support SO. We let them know that their presence at the tourney really helped our program. They all loved meeting our athletes. We also got to work at Hole Ten, making sno-cones and popcorn for all the golfers as they rolled through. We loved helping out and can't wait to do it again next year!
Hawk Hollow symbol


Coach Michelle sprayed everyone down with sunscreen

Isn't the setting beautiful? and the girls too!

Drew loved his Special Olympics Livingston Golf polo

and Kristin loved her picture frame and notebook

Charlotte keeps her friend company as Sam fuels up

Drew gets PR for his causes-including us!

PJ!! Ever the goof!

The Hole Ten Team!

Molly works the cameras

Sparty Power!!

the celebrity photo

more celeb athletes!

Two great smiles

a golfer takes supplies to her cart!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Title Boxing Club:sharing the message!

Title Boxing Club 9:30am        The Hincka Heavy Hitters!

Our family has enjoyed being a part of the Title Boxing Club family since April of this year. What a difference it has made in our lives. I signed up Jake so that he could get in shape and punch out a little aggression, and it was only a few extra bucks for the whole family to become members. So I thought, why not? It might be fun! Well guess who loves boxing? Charlotte! She loves the rhythmic pounding, punch combinations, and predictability of the hour long class. Danny works so hard for the entire hour that I sometimes think his head will pop off. But good for him! And of course Jerry hates it because it is HARD, but off he goes, with the girls in tow, helping them and encouraging them. The trainers are all fantastic, but the girls special favourite is Phil, and adorable 20-somethings young man with a warm and friendly attitude. He immediately sensed the ID in the girls and focused on helping them learn the ropes and constantly positively pushing them on. He and Charlotte have a great time, which is fun for her. Phil invited us to visit the club in Farmington Hills this morning to participate in a power hour class with Allan Longstreet, the fitness trainer from Fox2. The focus was on boxing as an exercise that all people can do. What a ball! They interviewed all of us, and the camera man was roaming around throughout the class(thankfully not too near me!) What a great chance to continue to spread the message from SO about sport as a universal language, another  way for people with ID to integrate into their community. I love that the kids have so many different ways to stay healthy-and drag their old mother along too!

camera man 

ready for class to start

Phil high fiving Charlotte after the Power hour

The girls chatting with Allan Longstreet

Danny being interviewed

the club!

Phil the fabulous!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Friday June 14 Family Fun, Summer has begun!

The first week of summer vacation--YAY! We pulled out the bubbles, sidewalk chalk, ice cream, bikes and stroller and started the fun. Cassie spent the weekend with us, and Jake had two days off and half day on Fathers Day. The weather was beautiful and sunny, and so were our dispositions. Cassie's new favourite word is "EAT" and she says it while pointing at her mouth and then at her high chair! She fits in well around here!
Eat Dzadza!

this chalk is awesome!

thanks Daddy, I love you!

Aunt Molly is teaching me how to chalk colour

Cookie got out her bubble cow from her library storytime!


Charlotte and Jerry biked about ten miles together

this flower is cool

look Cookie!

here come the runners

Guess who we found at the park?! Katie Uitti! I hope she can run with Molly soon

super Dad ran about 4 miles after the biking!