Monday, October 29, 2012

Hey Mice, stay out of my basement!

Dear Mice,
I realize that it is cold in Michigan and you enjoy a nice warm basement. I am sure that my Snow Princess Halloween costume, with its soft white velour and fake fur muff, made an ideal bed last winter. I did notice that you enjoyed chewing holes in the skirt, did this add to the comfort?  It also came to my attention that among Jake's collection of hackeysacks you found several that were filled with seeds...How Convenient!
I feel it only fair to warn you that your snug and cozy home life is coming to an end! You are being evicted and there is no appeal. Try migrating south or heading to a nice barn with hay. Suburbia is not the place for you and your friends. Be advised that any black rectangles on the floor may be sticky and random pieces of hot dog you see laying around may be a bit "snappy".
So Move out and best of luck in all your future endeavors,
The annoyed homeowner

Poly Hockey...Who knew??!

penguins attack

charlotte rockin her poly hoodie!

Brick Wall defense by Molly

charlotte is ready to play!



So it turns out that the girls love and are good at Poly hockey! For the uninitiated, Poly hockey is floor hockey, with helmets,stick, pucks and of course a goal. It is played in a gym, and as the weather turns colder this week, I am happy about that! The team is called the Penguins, and they played in their second tournament this weekend. The team won both of their games and both girls had lots of assists. On one play Molly fed Charlotte and she scored! Our friend Gary had a bunch of goals and good plays, he is an excellent player. For a first year team they are really doing a great job! Coaches Joe and Bill are very patient and the improvement is seen weekly. I would not have imagined that a sport requiring such stick skill would have been a good one for the girls, but that shows me! I am so glad they are the types who will try anything. Next stop is the state competition on 11/16-17. Go Penguins!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Life is Boring

Gosh, without Cassandra life is pretty boring...and lonely!
This week was the usual collection of;
 sports practices, concerts, Friday night basketball, walks with Shawne, shopping at Kohls with my 30%, sleepover with Leah  at our house, cooking, laundry, cleaning, dinner for Jerry's friend and co-worker Toni in from Atlanta,tuba lesson, watching the Tigers lose baseball games, and many more equally thrilling pursuits, so thrilling in fact that I can't recall them! But through it all, no Cassie. No reason to tiptoe into my room at night, no one to talk to on my walk to school to get Danny and certainly no one to sing the "school bus" song with! I keep pointing at my ear when I hear a plane and saying aloud, "what's that?" The man outside Meijer looked at me very strangely! An email from Jake reports that Cassandra is adjusting well to him and he is having a ball getting to know her. And that is as it should be! Still......

Fort Drum Homecoming Road Trip

1:30am Monday October 22
the itsy bitsy spider

climbed up the water spout!

no more car seat!

Fort Drum here we are!

mural on the wall at the hanger

ready to greet our hero

three cheers for the red, white and blue!

thrid from the right, there he is!

happy to see his wife!

"umm, Cookie? who is this guy?!"

The family!

I am pretty happy right now!

Jake and a buddy

a friend of Jakes who did not deploy, just came to greet her fellow soldiers

the scene on the tarmac
The baby crys, more useful than an alarm clock, and I hop out of bed. After dressing, brushing teeth, I grab getting a travel mug full of coffee(you knew that already!). I finish loading the car with the food treats I am bringing to Jake, chili, spice cookies, pumpkin bread and banana bread and then get Cassandra settled. The car is warm and classical music is playing as we roll out into the darkness.  As I fly down 23S I suddenly see a glow at the side of the road…Deer. A whole herd is wandering across  the slow lane, and as I slow way down and grip the wheel I catch a movement to my right. I look out my window and there is a deer, right there, I can see her eyes! She actually bumps the car and bounces off the mirror, closing it like they do at the car wash. Oh my   gosh, I am so scared. The car luckily is not damaged and I keep rolling through the darkness. About a mile down the road about 15 more deer are grazing in the grassy median. Good gracious! I say a thank you prayer and hope that that is the worst bit of my drive.  The miles roll by. 4:40am Cassie wakes up and I happily pull into a rest area (remember that coffee?!) She is happy to be out of the car and I get her changed and freshened. I grab a coffee and Cassie entertains fellow travelers by dancing to the muzac. I give her snacks in the car and we sing and talk for about an hour and then she dozes off again. Yay!  We are getting closer! I stop for gas and Dunkin donuts about 30 minutes from Watertown, and what fun. The folks at DD are thrilled with the baby and give her a munchkin right away! There is a huge blowup spider in the shop and we sing many rounds of the Itsy Bitsy Spider to it. Cassandra walks, dances, smiles, waves, blows kisses, eats oatmeal and fruit and generally has a ball. I do too, it is nice to be out of the car and talking to people.  We check in to the hotel early and stash our things then head onto Fort Drum, just a ¼ mile down the road.  The cabins that Cammy et al are staying at are really neat. I would definitely stay there in the summer if Jake is still at Drum.  Annabelle is happy to see her little sister and we play outside on the porch swing for a bit.  I offer to take both girls to find a playground and enjoy the warm weather while Cammy finishes redying her hair pink for the homecoming celebration.  Cassie loves the playground and I also go to the exchange for some Fort Drum souvenirs (you know me!).  Back at the cabin the kids are fed and I change Cassie into her camo onsie and jean jeggings, she looks so cute. Cammy  joins the baby and I and we head over to the hanger on the airfield where the soldiers will be coming in. I am so excited! Patriotic music is playing and everyone is dressed up. Many kids have on red, white and blue and folks are holding signs, balloons and flowers. The USO is handing out flags, which Cassie has a ball with.  Anticipation fills the air. Suddenly the music changes to a patriotic march, a back door opens and soldiers begin marching in in formation. I am trying to take a video and my hand is shaking like crazy. I don’t spot Jake but keep filming.  When all the soldiers are in and lined up, we sing the Star Spangled Banner and do a short prayer. At this point I change spots and move right and down front with Cassie to see if I can spot Jake. And there he is! He is right in front of me in the front row. I start crying of course.  He looks wonderful and real sight for sore eyes. It has been14 months since I have seen him. The command give speeches and then they whole group sings the Fort Drum song, The Engineer battalion song and the Army song. The audience is standing at this point and soldiers throughout the room are singing. As I sing “and the Caissons Go Rolling along” I can hear Dads voice singing in my ear. I am crying again! I know Dad is here, and Jerry’s Dad too, and they are both so proud. When the group is dismissed everyone starts to scream and run to their soldiers-WOW, very moving. Jake gives Cammy big hugs and I try to get some photos. Then it’s Cassandra turn, though she is less thrilled! Of course she doesn’t remember Jake and the photos are funny shots of her crying.  Then, finally, it’s the old Moms turn. It feels so good to hug my Jake. I am crying again (you probably guessed this!) and I tell him how proud we all are and give him the love that was sent from all the family and friends.  We gather is ruck sacks and go back to the cabin where Jake showers and changes into jeans and a Tigers shirt from us. I take he and Cammy out to dinner, their idea, at the Olive Garden, their choice, and by the time I get to my hotel I have been up for 21 hours! It was worth it though, my heart had told me to come and it was right!

Friday/Saturday 10/19-20 State Soccer Tournament

The girls headed off to the state soccer tournament in Warren right after school on Friday. I had planned to go to the 4pm contest, but it is rainy and cold, and Cassie has a stuffy nose, so I am opting to stay home. Word comes in that the team won their first game in a shootout and the girls were pumped! It is strange not to be there, usually I am chaperoning. Hank rolls in from the farm with a truck load of pumpkins and tomatoes,potatoes and onions. We are donating the pumpkins for the teen carving event again this year as well as supplying friends and neighbors so he brings about 50! Jerry and Danny go to the first night of Friday night basketball and Cassie and I play with her zoo, which she is totally in love with. She loves to put the Lion up in the tree! And of course she sneaks off to practice her work of stair climbing at every opportunity! Hank enjoys a quiet evening in the basement watching sports and I do some baking, prepping to take food treats up to Fort Drum on Monday.
You know food=love for me :)

Year Three begins!

Happy Birthday to me! Yesterday was the big 5-1, but circumstances conspired to make my birthday a crazy blend of kid activities. Not that I was expecting a spa day...but we had Tuba lessons,taekwando,SO soccer, Gary for dinner, dog to walk, and most of all baby care! My hopes for this year include loads of additional prayer time, travel with the family, solo and with my sister, continued purging of possessions, better eating habits and running a half marathon with Molly. And away we go!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cooking with my Cookie!

I made banana bluberry bread!

right after this i pulled out the spatula and whipped batter across the kitchen! Big fun :)

my friend Leah came over to teach me how to play Little People

she is really good at it

my favourite part is pushing the buttons that make a noise, and putting the gorilla from the zoo in the bathtub at the house!

It's cold at Fort Drum

Cassandra weighs in...

When Daddy gets back from Afghanistan I will be living in upstate New York. I was born there but I don't remember much. I do know that they bring soldiers to Drum  from all over to learn Cold Weather Survival Skills. Yikes! My skills include, apparently, being stuffed like a sausage into a snowsuit! How will I get around?? Apparently there are Boots too! Oh boy, not happy!

Jerry's bike trip

If you want to check out what Jerry is up to, look at the facebook page for Spandex Ballet 2012! He came up with the name, though from the photos I've seen, they cover up the spandex with baggy shorts! What a gyp! In the Netherlands, it matters not what your physique is you will be sporting head to toe spandex when you are riding your bike.
I will add a couple of photos so you can get the idea...We miss Jer but we know he's having fun!

They took this at my request! Birthday boy Michael with the shorts down, he's turning 40. Jerry turned 50 on 9/30