Thursday, September 6, 2012

Playing outside

My Aunts and Uncle went to school and I couldn't go!

I think this grass feels a bit odd

I tried to eat some but Cookie wouldn't let me :(

Buddy and I were on all fours exploring the yard

time for my close up!

and my close up too!

this is a smile!

enough pictures cook, no more!

Giant Baby!

I played with Cookie all day! She took me for a walk with Shawne and I took my morning nap in my stroller. I swam in my pool,did alot of dancing and visited the library again! I love the beads there.Cookie and Uncle Danny set up my crib so now I can stretch out! That pack and play feels like I;m camping out. I am even using my Daddy;s crib blanket-cool! Have a good school week everybody!

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