Monday, September 3, 2012

Last Day of Summer 2012

Sunny skys and good friends are a perfect ending to the summer! We spent the morning getting ready, adding chairs to the patios, brownies to the counter and ice cream to the freezer. Now all we need is some company! Tom,Linda and Gary arrived first--yay! It was nice to hang out and have a visit before the party really got going. We closed up around 5:30 with Renee and Nic. Then Roseanne wheeled in...she said she came at the end to clean up! She is so funny. She sat and ate, did dishes and oohed and aahed over Danny's schedule,backpack and school supplies. We have decided that she is our big sister because she really acts like one to us. We are really feeling blessed to have so many great friends. The kids are showered,lunches made and alarms set...Time for another fabulous year! I wish everyone all success as they head back to school!
Molly,Danny and Gary hit the buffet

Karen and Cassandra

lunch time!

Cass enjoys her swing

Tom and Linda Plane ended their summer with our patio party!

Hannah and Danny

the babies always love Mama Laura ;)

ice cream sundaes help ease the pain of school tomorrow


PJ, Michelle,Gary and Dan

Birthday girl Renee enjoyed seeing Cassandra

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