Monday, September 17, 2012

Do you pick up when it says "Private Caller"? Maybe you should!!

So the phone, not Cassie's phone ("hello, the phone is ringing so we say HEEELLOOO, Goodbye, when you're done talking then you say Goodbye, GOOODBYYYE!") which we hear at least 182 times a day, but the house phone. I glance at the caller ID and it says Private Caller.
Hmm, bill collector? time share seller? charity group?? After 3 rings I decide to just answer it, and who do you think it is?
Martha Goode, Queen of the Universe! Calling in from Detroit to check on the Hincka girls and invite us to a party at Alternatives For Girls. This is the place that is blessed to have Martha ministering to the young ladies who are getting a fresh start for themselves and some well needed help and encouragement as they plot their futures. Wow! I look forward to visiting Martha and her gals, if not at this October bash, than another time soon.
But party invites aside, to talk to Martha is a joyful life affirming thing! She lifts you up so high you feel like you are touching heaven. She shares her joy with me, talks about how she is so blessed and I realize as she is talking, "hey, so am I, but do I show it?"  This is part of Martha's power--she is life changing even on the phone!
SO, the next time you see Private Caller on your caller ID, think about answering, you never know what you are meant to hear!
Martha Goode
Our Magnificent Martha, supporting Charlotte and other St. Pats kids by attending the HS. musical

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