Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Night Basketball Reunion!

Top row--Pedro(Kate's boyfriend), Jake, Stan, Ben, Jerry, Molly, Danny
Kneeling--Paul(Megan's boyfriend), Kate, Megan, Luke(Ben's son), Charlotte

Twenty years! That is how long Jerry,Stan,Megan,Katie,Jake and Molly have been going to Friday night basketball. When we first moved to Michigan Jerry was having major basketball withdrawal. I asked Molly's physical therapist, Robyn, if she knew of any leagues he could play in. She said her then husband Stan played in a league, but the guys were really particular about who they let in. Robyn promised to ask Stan, and a couple of weeks later Jerry got the call for his "tryout". He was as nervous as a 15 year old on his first date! I waited at home anxiously, hoping that he would have fun and find a place for himself, and he sure did! Stan, and Ben's Dad Jim, and the other guys were all very mellow and relaxed. They just loved to play and weren't interested in acting like jerks, like a lot of the guys Jerry ran in to in NJ. The best part about it was that the guys brought their kids, and while the men played on one half of huge court, the kids played on the other....and the Mom's were Home Alone!
With no family or friends in Michigan to babysit for me, I was with my darlings 24/7, so this time was such a wonderful treat. Sometimes Robyn and I hung out, other times I cleaned the house, or Christmas shopped--all by myself! When we moved to Fairway Trails, the minivan filled up every Friday night, Matthew burgess, Matt Bedner, Melissa Mavron, the occasional Cluskey never knew who would turn up in there! When Charlotte turned two she started her rookie season and she was so excited to go off with the other kids. When the men had finished they would always play a game or two with the kids, and when Megan,Ben,Katie and Jake hit highschool these games got pretty intense. Danny and Sophie joined the crew when they turned two, and now Leah and Cassie are going as well.
The guys used to shower, then take everyone to BigBoy, nowadays they just stay grubby and go to Leo's, but the result is the same, a chance to visit with each other's kids, catch up, be a part of things.
The continuity is pretty fantastic, and our kids bringing their kids along, now that I s a blessing!

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