Friday, August 31, 2012

Summers Last Hurrah begins...

Zucchini bread,trip to the lake with friends, bowling, staying up late, all special activities to kick off the labor day weekend. We had hoped to be at the cottage but thanks to Home Depot and their inefficiency we are still a work site. So we made the best of it by hitting Bishop with Shane and Elizabeth and their kids. Molly,the beast, ran to the lake and back, a trip of 7 miles, GO MOLLY! Cassandra enjoyed the sand, she found it very tasty! The kids enjoyed cupcakes that a cute young lady celebrating her 15th birthday brought over to our group, they too found them tasty!
Cassandra did a lot of playing, she really loves playing music on her play table and watching us dance around like fools! She spent time cruising around the ottoman and chairs but is holding off on walking even though she is certainly capable! Soon enough I"m sure.
Molly and Alex


Leah is working on her castle

lunch time

Charlotte enjoying her favourite book


me and my beach pal Shawne!

cupcake crew

beautiful Alex!

Shawne talks to Cassandra about life...

I still have 2 huge zucs! more baking tomorrow!

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