Friday, August 3, 2012

Mount Tabor Howard Bell 5K

As we drove toward Mount Tabor tonight the temperature seemed to rise. 91,92,93 as we parked the car. This small 5K raises money to sponsor a children's day festival for the kids of the neighborhood. Mount Tabor is a super hilly area and it was a three loop one mile course. A lady we were chatting with told us that there were two killer hills and we get to do them each three times--oh Joy!! We had a great time though, people had their hoses spraying the sidewalk, banners flying and kids and Grandmas cheering from their porches! Danny and Chris gutted their way through the grueling course, and Charlotte, not a fan of the heat, made it with a smile on her face! Allison led the family, and indeed led the field! She came in first in the 14 and under group and was awarded a trophy! When they called the winners for the 20-25 age group, Molly was thrilled to hear her name called third! She won a medal! And as I was photographing Allie and Molly they called my name in the 50-60 category! WHAT?! So up I ran as the kids cheered loudly, and got a medal. I took the man's hand and said, "must have been a small group!" My time-right around 30min. Enjoy the pictures!
Team Cousins!

I'm going to rock this race!

Danny and Christopher after warm ups

Chris and Danny chugging along!


nice stride Charlotte

Super Cheerleader Aunt Susan with the team

"It's gettin HOT out here..."

Allie and Molly with their awards!

Charlotte's award, Rootbeer Float!

A great ending to our awesome day!

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