Sunday, May 27, 2012

Typical Dutch, The warm version..

Mom made a Dutch pancake this morning


let's get this party started!

Charlotte is the first under in the Netherlands=good bragging rights!

The view from a neat observation post near the beach

The windmill we climbed yesterday is across the water

11 babies! You go Girl!

Ready to jump off the walkway

one, two, three, GO!

Style points for Charlotte? I give her a 10!

swimming in....

the walkway as seen from the beach
no matter where we are, a hole needs to be dug

Goof y kid, no matter what the country

We enjoyed a mellow Sunday and I hope you did as well. We slept in and that was wonderful. I tried my hand at Dutch style pancakes, thicker than crepes,chewy yet light, eaten happily by all. Then we headed down to the park where the girls train. It is in the city of Rotterdam and there is no fee to enter or park. I like that because then it is accessible to so many people. We parked ourselves on the sand(about the same quality as the Michigan lake sand) and the kids and Jerry dove right in to the water. I dove into my book, so we were all happy! The lake reminded me very much of Kensington. Boats were sailing by, trees were visible around the shore, and everyone was having fun. Of course at Kensington every woman would be wearing a bathing suit top...! We came home and had a big mid afternoon dinner and got ready for church. Suddenly we thought, what if because tomorrow is a state holiday (Pentecost) there is no evening mass? Well good thing we checked before we drove to Den Haag. So no mass, but we all said the rosary together and family prayers. And of course it is Sunday night so it is all about CountryFile, our favourite BBC show. This week it was a special water addition, so we saw gorge walking, Royal Navy swift water rescue training, surfing on the spring tide on an inland river, how lamprys feed and why they are helpful to their rivers, it was another great hour of television. So we end another weekend, but with the holiday tomorrow we have another travel plans...stop back and see where we end up!
ps. A prayer request for all the veterans and fighting personnel all over the world, with thoughts of Jake. Thanks :)

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