Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I 💗 Palma Aquarium!

Molly decided that she wanted to visit the aquarium and everyone else decided that sounded good too! A bit of a long bus ride, but the transportation is great, we wait no more than 30seconds for the #3 bus whenever we are taking it! The trip doesn't disappoint. This is the off season in Mallorca, so although the hours are shortened, there is no one here, so we can really enjoy the exhibits. When we attend the talks, we are one of four families and have lots of time for questions! We see the Sharks fed, the stingrays, Darwin, the rescued turtle that is being rehabbed for release and finish by feeding the koi fish. Have you ever done this? It is pretty cool, the koi have no teeth, so they just hoover the food pellets out of your hand...the sucking sound is really audible. All of the exhibits are very well presented. There is a touch screen at each tank and you can choose which language to read in, Spanish, German, English and more. So we were able to learn a lot. I made Dagwood sandwiches on fresh baguette and we had a picnic midway through. We caught the 3 back to the centre, Placa Espana, and bought a freshly made bag of hot churro a from our favourite stand. Oh my goodness, they are tasty! Back at our flat we relax with some Spanish beer and coffee, before dividing up. Charlotte and I stay home and relax and eat, while the other three head to a Brazilian steak house. What a feast! Empanadas, ribs, potatoes, pizza, flank steak, sausages, and bread with dipping. The best--reports the crew!

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