Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Harmony Theater on Ice Skating Banquet

Jerry, Charlotte and I tore out of Danny's track meet and up to Charlotte's skating banquet. This group is so excited to be partnering with Special Olympics to improve their skating program. Charlotte has really learned a lot and enjoyed the one on one coaching and friendship. They invited the SO team to join in their end of the  year banquet, which was held at a lovely country club overlooking a lake. Unfortunately it was pouring! The food was delicious and the company was very enjoyable. Jerry and I sat with the senior team, many of whom were over 50, who talked with such passion about their skating. I admired their love for their sport, and we enjoyed hearing about the competitions that they had skated in all over the world. After dinner, all the mentors went to the stage and then called each SO skater up to receive their trophy and certificate. Charlotte had passed the tests up to level three and was thrilled with her trophy from Anna. The big skate is at the end of June, and it will be very exciting to see.
Charlotte, Jacque and Becca
Anna, Charlotte,katelyn and her partner listen to the awards
Katelyn, Rachel and Charlotte sure look cute!
Beaming with well deserved pride!

Bowling with Cops!

Oh did the girls have a ball! Jerry took them out to their evening event with their school mates, a 
bowl-off between them and the Livingston County Sheriffs dept. last year the cops took the trophy and the students were out for revenge! Charlotte bowled a 64 and a 72 with no bumpers, and her friend john bowled a 150! Molly couldn't remember her score, but she said " I did great!" The students won by 2 points and reclaimed the trophy! victory for LESA!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Water Baby!

or as Cassie would say, "I'm not a water baby, Cookie, I'm a water Big Girl!" Indeed! Story-time was cancelled because of the library book sale so Cassie and I headed north to Hartland for Splash n' Play at the pool. She was very excited to wear her new bathing suit. However, when the lifeguard told us we had to shower off before entering the pool area she was not happy. In fact, she cried and was ready to leave! I convinced her to give it a try and as soon as she hit the water she started to laugh. She paddled, she jumped and she stood on the ledge and copied the seniors doing exercises in the big pool(hilarious!).she even let me take her down the kiddie slide. Check out my cute pictures, I had to keep her close and take the pics on my phone and keep it dry! I think i did pretty good!