Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Season!

Hooray! I love Christmas and decorating and cooking and hostessing. And watching Christmas movies, opening cards, driving around and seeing everyone's lights....it is just such a friendly and happy time! We hosted our first annual gingerbread Open house on Sunday, replacing the 14 years of the neighborhood caroling party. I finally realized that sine I am the hostess( with the mostest I must add) I can have the party whenever I want! and since we moved to Princeton court we have not caroleda my way, so why have it at night! and so close to Christmas. I have settled on the first Sunday in December, but only if it isn't during thanksgiving weekend like this year. So last Sunday we opened our door at 2pm, the last guests left about 9:30, and in between we had about 60 people drinking,eating,laughing and sharing good cheer. It was AWESOME! And now, my house is all decorated and I am relaxed( to the extent that that is possible) and enjoying the season! Go Me!

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