Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What I like about you...

You really know how to dance!
That is my first on the list of 50 things I like about Jerry, who turned Fifty on 9/30...
2.knows all the words to every Springsteen Song(cleared up a bunch of crazy phrases I had been singing since high school!)
4.Strong-my family loves these as well.."hey Jer, can you help us move?!"
5.knows all the names of the construction vehicles when you pass a job site
6.great writer
7. quick with the comebacks...okay, when deployed against me it can be hard,but mostly it's great!
8. Monty Python lines for every occasion, with a darn good British accent
9. Man of GOD, from the inside out
10. willing to help with anything around the house
11.taught the kids to like Styx--now that takes a special guy!
12. Blue Eyes
13. knows everything about every sport-every player,every statistic,golf,tennis,football,you name it
14. once I beat him in push-ups (okay I don't know how that makes this list but I'm leaving it in!)
15. Loves what I make for dinner-no matter what it is!
16. has friends
17. makes birthday signs for the kids and hangs them around the house on birthday eve
18.loves kool-aid
19. master of physical comedy-Dick Van Dyke has nothing on him! and I still fall for most of it!
20. looks great in baseball caps
21. ushers at church
22. does the "voice of spring" song every summer as soon as we hit water. and does it over and over and over, Molly used to laugh herself sick when she was little!
23.after one sunny day looks like he lives in Barbados!
24. CMU-he loves his Alma mater and shares the games and campus with the kids-and of course the unique version of the fight song!
25. volunteers with our parish-goes to Detroit, Stuebenville, Lansing,where ever he is needed
26. Special Olympics Coach-he is so excited to share his love of basketball with the athletes
27. lets me dress him!
28. loves to play outside
29. bought me a trampoline for our anniversary a couple of years ago
30.is good friends with his brothers and enjoys spending time in Posen with them
31. never said he was babysitting when watching his own kids
32. taught me how to play pinochle
33.puts up with my weird eating habits
34. takes care of the bills-oh thank you Lord, I hate that job!
35. would welcome my Mom (and had asked my Dad) to move in with us
36. lets Molly watch sports with him every night, and talk to him constantly about it!
37. Runs with us-even though it doesn't involve a ball
38. Prays with me
39. has a great smile
40. is a SMART guy (helps all the neighborhood with math!)
41.gives me piggyback rides
42. works really hard a work and is a trustworthy and respectful co-worker,he always gives credit where it is due, which is rare these days
43. calls on the way home from where ever to see if I want/need anything(which over the years has varied from Jamocha shake from Arbys when I was pregnant to hummus and pretzels these days!)
45.willing--just willing in every way
46.tells a good joke
47. takes the kids to the lake house and leaves me home
48.tells me not to worry if the house isn't clean(worth more than diamonds I tell you!)
49.loves my family like they were his own
50.is a true friend to me

I almost wish he was 60 because I still have a few more things to say! oh well, I'll have to wait.
Jerry says he had a great birthday weekend, and enjoyed the cards,phone calls and gifts from across the country. He took the kids to homecoming, ran, kayaked,played tennis, went to church, went out to eat, watched golf and football, and the rest of us tagged along happily! I will close with a favourite birthday ditty we used to sing very loudly around  Gallagher/Pirrello birthday celebrations..
We gave him a truck for his special day!

off to run downtown

ready to hit the Harvest fest

Cassandra loved the bluegrass trio

post run relaxation!

Zukey Lake Tavern birthday dinner (after 3 hour kayak adventure!)

he chose the reeces cheescake for desert!

Charlotte gave Dad a birthday smile and some new bike socks

Molly made one of her famous cards

oh gosh, does he love this amazing t-shirt from Sooz and her gang!

Danny picked out this sign on his own and bought it with his lawn mowing money!
This little girl is a pretty good birthday gift!

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