Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Pancake Saloon?! Only in Holland!

Did they have those in the Old West?  Picture this...The swinging bar doors swing open and an huge,unshaven man with an old cowboy hat strides in. He squints his eyes in the dim light of the saloon, strides up to the wooden bar, polished smooth by years of whiskeys sliding across into the hands of miners and gold rushers and says
 "cappucinno please and the # 17, pannenkoek with rum soaked raisins, make it a double!"

Last night we went to Howdy's Pannenkoek Saloon, a Dutch pancake house with a theme of the old west as the Dutch imagine the old west was. The waitstaff wears jeans and cowboy hats, they have their order computers in a holster on their belts. Wood floors, cactus on the table, earthenware pitcher of Dutch syrup(like molasses) on the table. As in all the restaurants here, there is a kids play area and the kids roam around the place, pushing trucks past the feet of the customers while their parents enjoy a drink and chat. People here seem to like kids more somehow! The pannekoek here are plate sized and have fillings like Chili Chicken, spicy chicken,peppers,mushrooms,garlic sauce: and the Cactus Jack,mushrooms,shwarma meat,peppers,iceberg lettuce and curry ketchup sauce! For kids they have things like a pancake with bowls of candy on the side so you can top it yourself! Now what kids wouldn't like that?
Here are photos, even the bill made us laugh, served in a mini cast iron frying pan!
A cowboy welcomes us..

heading upstairs, the saloon facade!

Danny's pannenkoek is apples and cheese

Molly's has ham,mushrooms and pineapple

Charlotte got the White Horse! Ham,bacon,mushrooms and curry sauce


our bill! Quite pricey as the restaurants are here, but worth it!

1 comment:

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