Friday, February 3, 2012

photos-Rotterdam trip Day Two

its work time in the US!

crazy cool statue in front of our coffee shop

coffee! Now Mom is happy!

scrambled eggs on homemade toast and real Dutch cocoa with whipped creeeeem!

we found a great comic book shop with loads of TinTin stuff

Museum Rotterdam

interactive exhibit on family rituals

we wrote notes and put them in the wall. Next New Years eve they will be tied to balloons and released into the air!

we made profiles of each other!

the set up to do the drawing

a dollhouse replica of the house that the museum is in. Napolean slept here!

Danny is tying his wish on the Chinese New Year Dragon. Since he is a Dragon year kid, it is sure to come true!

Danny and the Dragon

Having a fancy water at our dinner with some of Jerry's co-workers, Jer and Nico in the background

it may look like guiness but it is a Dutch beir!

Jerry, Mahiel,Uroon,Pauol,Danny,me,Nico and Jacques

The restauran was called The Book room and so it was perfect for me!
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